


Name your blog using AI


During this period of time, my blog has undergone some small changes. Suddenly, I realized that the name and avatar of my blog are not original. When I started my blog, everything was found online. Now that I think about it, since it is my own world, it is best to use my own things as much as possible. Although this blog does not exist for profit, there may still be some issues. So I bought a customized avatar online, but it will take two or three days to be ready.

"Long Street, Short Dream" is a collection of essays written by Tie Ning, the current chairman of the Chinese Writers Association. The main contents include: Kite Fairy, The Mountain is Not High, Long Street, Short Dream, and Friends in the Sky. I remember seeing this book in the library when I was in junior high school. The most widely circulated sentence in it is "If life is like a long street, I don't want to miss every small scenery on this street. If life is just a short dream on the long street, I am willing to make this short dream full of vitality." It has been my motto for many years. I think I may be a fake literary youth, occasionally pretending to be refined and self-pitying, but I can't produce any original works of my own. Every time I think about it, I feel guilty.

So, I want to change the name of my blog. Maybe because I have no inspiration in my mind, I haven't had any thoughts for a long time. Maybe this is a task that needs time to polish. I thought of AI, maybe it can give me some inspiration, but the answers it gave me made me laugh and cry, but overall it's a pretty good answer.

Elegant and Classical Names#

  1. Elegant Studio
  2. Jingyu Studio
  3. Qingyin Studio
  4. Yunyuan Studio
  5. Litin Inn
  6. Qinshe Study
  7. Yayan Studio
  8. Dreamy Studio
  9. Zui Xiang Building
  10. Qingchuan Studio

Names with Special Meaning and Connotation#

  1. Blog of the Heart: Expresses the meaning of "doing as one pleases," while emphasizing that the blog showcases the author's true thoughts and feelings.
  2. Origin Blog: Implies that everything originates from the heart, and each article in the blog is driven by the author's inner emotions.
  3. Elegant Blog: Conveys the meaning of freedom, relaxation, and unconstraint, expressing the author's desire to freely express and create in the blog.
  4. Soul Station: Expresses that the blog is a station for the author's inner self, where they can stop by at any time, leaving their traces and thoughts.
  5. Mingxin Studio: Ming refers to tea, xin refers to the heart, symbolizing that in this blog, the author will share some of their inner insights, just like savoring tea.
  6. Casual Lamp: Implies that in the blog, the author can freely unleash their creativity and imagination, writing their stories as they please.
  7. Heart Butterfly Studio: Symbolizes that in the blog, the author will use their words to express their feelings and emotions, allowing readers to dance like butterflies while reading.
  8. Carefree Blog: Carefree implies freedom and ease. Each article in the blog is a product of the author freely expressing their inner feelings.
  9. Dynamic Residence: Expresses that each article in the blog is full of vitality and vitality, bringing readers different feelings and inspirations.
  10. Joyful Expression: Implies that in the blog, the author can freely express their joys, sorrows, and emotions, allowing readers to resonate with the author's emotions and attitude towards life.

Classical Names#

  1. Qin Qi Shu Hua Tower: Symbolizes that the blog is a cultural sanctuary where the author can freely write about the beauty of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, allowing readers to appreciate the essence of culture.
  2. Luoyang Paper Fame: Expresses the author's desire to become a prominent figure in the literary world, while also implying that each article in the blog will be cherished and become a classic passed down through word of mouth.
  3. Consistent Words and Actions Studio: Implies that each article in the blog represents the author's true thoughts and life attitude, expressing the author's pursuit of sincerity and consistency.
  4. Touring Mountains and Playing with Water Studio: Symbolizes that in the blog, the author can freely express their thoughts and emotions, just like freely enjoying the beauty of mountains and water, fully enjoying the pleasure of writing.
  5. Ink Fragrance Book House: Ink fragrance symbolizes the profoundness of culture, expressing the author's intention to showcase their cultural literacy and writing skills in the blog, allowing readers to experience the charm of culture while reading.
  6. Vigorous Studio: Vigorous implies that the author is full of youthful vitality and creative passion. It expresses the author's desire to fully unleash their creativity and imagination in the blog, writing vibrant articles.
  7. Indifferent Ambition Hall: Expresses the author's attitude of being indifferent to fame and fortune and their firm pursuit, allowing readers to feel the true meaning of being indifferent to fame and fortune and adhering to beliefs while reading.
  8. Ink Splashing Studio: Ink splashing implies the freedom to express and write. It expresses the author's intention to showcase their creative talent and writing skills in the blog, allowing readers to experience the charm of words while reading.
  9. Understanding Nature Studio: Understanding nature implies the author's love and insights into all things in nature, expressing the author's unique understanding and feelings towards nature in the blog.
  10. Corner of the World Studio: Symbolizes that the blog is a place where the author can freely explore the corners of the world, showcasing their talents and emotions, allowing readers to experience the charm of freedom and distant places while reading.

Borrowing from "The Book of Songs"#

  1. The Peach Blossoms are Lively and Radiant: Implies that each article in the blog is as beautiful and charming as peach blossoms, making readers feel delighted and intoxicated.
  2. Although There is Glory, What Good Does It Bring: Expresses the author's attitude of being indifferent to fame and fortune, allowing readers to feel the true meaning of being indifferent to fame and fortune and adhering to beliefs while reading.
  3. Silence is More Powerful than Sound: Implies that the words in the blog are more touching than sound, allowing the author to convey their emotions and thoughts through their own writing.
  4. Even If Thousands of People Oppose, I Will Still Go: Expresses the author's determination and courage to forge ahead and pursue their dreams, allowing readers to feel the firm belief and pursuit of excellence.
  5. The Swallows Fly Gracefully, Their Songs are Melodious: Implies that the author has a spirit of striving for excellence and continuous improvement, allowing readers to feel the positive power and infinite potential.
  6. Full of Joy, Their Songs are Melodious: Implies that each article in the blog is full of joy and warmth, and the author can bring joy and happiness to readers through their writing.
  7. Although the Road is Small, There are Admirable Things: Expresses the author's aesthetic view and life attitude, allowing readers to appreciate the beauty and details of life while reading.
  8. Heaven Has Given Me Talent, There Must Be a Use for It: Implies that everyone has their own unique talent and gifts. The author should fully utilize their talent and potential in the blog, allowing readers to feel the author's unique charm and abundant talent.
  9. Those Who Know Me Say I'm Worried, Those Who Don't Know Me Ask What I Seek: Expresses the author's unique thoughts and inner world, allowing readers to feel the author's profound inner world and spiritual pursuit.
  10. In the Past, I Went There, the Willow Trees Were Graceful: Implies that each article in the blog is a record of the author's past experiences and insights, allowing readers to feel the passage of time and the vitality of life.
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